Tuesday, 28 November 2023

Finally a blog

 I have three draft blogs but nothing posted so here I go.  Last month I finally was off my prednisone.  My doctor warned me that there would be side effects, but I had been on such a low-dose that I really didn’t believe these would occur. The funny thing is, I was hit very hard with the side effects. My energy has been so low, my joints ache and seize, and my muscle has again deteriorated.  Monday I saw my Transplant team and they are decreasing my last immuno suppressant. She is hoping that I can get off of my immunosuppressants so I am able to get my live vaccinations. In the meantime, I have also asked to be referred to a physiotherapist to try and get my flexibility and strength going again.  It’s really frustrating when it feels like I am taking three steps back and not going forward at all.  That being said, I am sitting and waiting to get into my black belt class as any movement is better than none.

I hope this is just a phase and will pass (fingers crossed).