Sunday, 4 March 2018

Mindfulness and Journaling

One of my personal challenges was to give up sweets and coffee except for Sundays.  I have a sweet tooth so I knew this challenge would be hard but this has been harder then what I was expecting.

My first two weeks I had a slow decrease in weight (well except for Sundays) but this week it changed.  Maybe it's just a "plateau", yeah right!  For the first two weeks I also kept track of everything I ate and I didn't do that this week.  When you don't log your food intake (or at least be mindful of it), it is easier to eat things without really thinking. 

Once I really looked back, I noticed that I had substituted salty for sweet.  I ate more chips than I have in months, one handful here, one handful there.  In one way I have kept my challenge but the reason for this challenge was to eat better and hopefully with that, lose weight.  That is the reason that this will be a tougher challenge than just giving up sweets and coffee.

We have talked about resets, and how sometimes you have to do them daily or weekly.  I have only had one reset but I do find that I need to be mindful every minute of every day.  The more that I am mindful and journaling what I am eating, the more I am mindful and journaling the rest of my actions, and when I am mindful and I journal, I do more. 

See you on the mats!

1 comment:

  1. It's a slippery slope. Once you start to let yourself have too many treats, before you know it, you've eaten a WHOLE BAG of chips!! Haha. I agree, being mindful of anything helps inspire mindfulness in many more aspects of your life.
