This last few weeks have been really tough as work and home life have been off balance. When one is in balance, you can usually compensate the other but when both are off, it does not take long to bring you to a breaking point. In fact, this week I had to take Thursday and Friday off as vacation so I could regroup and settle myself back down.
I know that my work life will be very busy for the next 5 years as we are implementing a new healthcare software system throughout the province and my teams have two new integrated software systems that need to be up and running within the next 12 months, rolling out to the province throughout the next 5 years.
My home life has been busy with children graduating, getting ready for college, participating in clubs, helping Simon learn to cope and deal with his anxiety, trying to makes sure no one is left out, my commitments to I Ho Chuan, getting ready for Christmas, and the list goes on.
It was these thoughts that had me really contemplating if I would join another year of I Ho Chuan. Don't get me wrong, I have loved this year and everything that I have learnt along the way, but in my mind, I just couldn't see how I could keep up this pace. I knew that I could not do everything that I am currently doing and I did not want to let down the I Ho Chuan team.
Sifu Brinker had talked with Mike and I regarding the above (Mike's work life is also crazy busy) and we talked about sustainability. I need to make sure that my Kung Fu works for me and that if we focus more on the individual aspects that the team will benefit as well.
With four Kohuts joining the I Ho Chuan Pig year it will be busy, but it does not mean that we have to sacrifice our family time. There should not be anything that feels like it is a sacrifice for this will not be sustainable. I want to have Kung Fu as a part of my life forever and I want my children to have it throughout their lives as well so its all about learning how to balance, create priorities, and ensure your actions are sustainable.
See you on the mats!
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