Friday, 22 February 2019

I get knocked down ....

But I get up again....

If anyone  continues singing that song then they are in the cool group. And when I say the cool group, I mean the older than 30, OK maybe even older than 40 group.

Age has definitely taken a toll this last week as I laid in bed recovering from a cold.  For two days I did not leave the bed and for the remaining week I’ve stayed home under the covers lucky to be able to work remotely and rest when needed. And as we get older our bodies definitely take longer to recover from any type of illness or injury but as long as we take care of it were able to get back up and continue on.

The biggest problem I had with staying in bed, was knowing that my numbers were starting to slide because the previous week I was so on track.  Today was the first day that I was able to get some sit ups and push-ups in and it felt good.  Not all of them but a start.  The one good thing that I see about this sickness is it was like hitting a brick wall. It stopped me in my tracks for a little while but the momentum is still fresh in my brain so it’s easier to pick up. In previous years it was the gradual decline of those numbers that was harder to recover from.  I am hoping that this will allow me to start a pace to recover those numbers and continue forward but it sure is frustrating missing a week right at the beginning.

Mr. Sollinger - I can't tell you how much I missed this week of working out!

Here are my numbers as of today:
PU 2030, SU 2155, AOK 65, Hand Form30, Sparring 22, Weapon at 11 

See you on the mats!!!

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