Sunday, 28 February 2021


 The 5 W's (or W5)!  Who, what, where, when and why.  In a meeting this week, Sifu Hayes stated that we need to keep all the W's in front of us.   We use these in our everyday lives, so how do these relate to Kung Fu?

Who?  When dealing with an application, the who is my opponent.   When dealing with forms, the who is me.   This is how I think of Who, it is person that I am envisioning.   The person that something is happening to or with. 

What? We all have been asked What am I doing?  It is used to keep you grounded, stay in the moment.  There are so many more what's that can be used.  What am I feeling? What is the intent? What is the direction of flow? What is the outcome?  The Who and the What is something that is present and tangible.  They can be easily defined.

Where?  Another grounding word.  Where am I?  Also, Where does the transfer of flow go, where does it come from?  Now that I know what the intent is, where do I need to deliver it?  Where are my strengths and weaknesses? Where does the move place you and how does it set up you for the next one? 

When?  When would this technique be used?  When would it work?  When would it not?  The When and Where are more thoughtful questions than the tangible Who and What.   They may not be so easily defined so you need to think about them more.

Why?  This is the mind-blowing question.  It can stand alone by itself.  Why?  That word alone means you need to dig deeper, dig into another layer of question.  It helps you find root-cause, not just the surface answers.  For example I was having problems in the temple punch of Da Mu Hsing, it just didn't feel right.  Why?  Well, because it was hurting my shoulder.  Why?  Because I was swinging the punch.  Why?  Because I was doing a haymaker instead of a temple punch. Why?  Because I was dropping my left hand down before I started the move so I needed to swing it out to get it into place for the temple punch but by then I was already into the haymaker.  I don't think that is the last Why for this issue but already it has fixed my temple punch.

To get deep into the root cause, keep asking Why until you can't dig down any further and then ask that question.  But be warned, the answer will probably open up a few more holes that will start more digging. Isn't it a good thing we love to dig?

See you on the virtual mats (or in a hole somewhere digging)!

Sunday, 21 February 2021

Mindful Eating

One of my goals for this I Ho Chuan is mindful eating with a sub goal to go one month gluten free and lactose free.    I have been gluten and lactose sensitive for years which comes from having Crohn's.   You may ask how did I complete this with only 1 week into Chinese New Year, I was so excited that I started this challenge shortly after finalizing my requirements.  I was hoping to feel great after the month but was shocked to find the outcome was not what I hoped for.  

I was eliminating gluten and lactose but I did not feel great and I couldn't understand why.  Towards the end of the month I started to really look at what I was eating and how I was feeling, finally the 'mindful' part of the goal.  Unfortunately foods do not always give an immediate response so this has made it harder to find my triggers.  It really is a trial of removing something for a few days and then adding it back.  Being mindful of what we put into our bodies at all times.

When I first started this goal, it was an item to check off my list.  I know that is not how we are to approach our journey but that was what I was thinking without even knowing it.  The best thing that happened to me was not having the outcome that I was wanting.   If has made me more mindful but it has not made it any easier. It is a constant struggle with every meal and snack. There are good days and bad days. 

Although I technically completed my first goal, it really was a stage gate for a longer path.  This one month challenge will take me the whole year (and likely my lifetime) to get the results that I want.  To feel better with the food that I eat, not learning to live with feeling bad.  I am glad that I did this goal early so I could embrace these results.  If I left it to the end of the year, I would have just checked off the goal and not have the insight that I do today.  Another lesson that there is not a quick fix or a quick path to anything that is worthwhile in our lives. 

See you on the virtual mats!

Sunday, 14 February 2021

Mending a Relationship

I am not proud because tonight I reacted when I shouldn't have.  My brother was responding to a text that left me upset and hurt.  Unfortunately, I responded with anger.  Things were starting to escalate. I called my brother and apologized for my response and explained why I was so hurt.  He also explained that it was a miscommunication and apologized for his response.  We ended our conversation with both of us understanding each other.  

So how does this relate to Kung Fu?   One of our requirements is mending a relationship.  I use to think that mending a relationship was fixing something broken but it should also be saving a relationship before it becomes that way.

We have been told to make sure we like the person in the mirror.  Tonight I can say I did not like that person.  It is hard to really look at your self and see what is there but I know that by doing this reflection, it allowed me to take quicker action.

Sometimes we need to make sure we are looking to fix things before they become issues.  It's taking that step back, taking a breath and asking why.  Why was I hurt?  Why did I respond the way I did?   Why is my cat stance linear? Why do I lift my shoulders on certain moves? Why, why why?  

By evaluating the why, we can find the root cause.  I am working on trying to change from fixing issues to stopping them from starting.  This year, I am not only looking at mending a relationship, I want to focus on making sure to improve the ones that I have.

See you on the virtual mats!

Wednesday, 10 February 2021

Year of The Ox Challenge!


Year of The Ox - Feb 12, 2021 Challenge

Friday, Feb 12th is the start of the Year of The Ox.  The I Ho Chuan team will start the year off with a challenge of 1000 push ups, 1000 sit ups, 1000 calories and 5 liters of water in a day but this challenge is for the entire school, that means YOU!  It is a great way to kick off the new year and  a way to be active during this pandemic.  Please join us by posting your progress on this blog.  As I need the entire 24 hours  (LOL), I will be doing my day on Saturday the 13th.  Great way to balance that chocolate intake on the 14th!

If you are wondering what the I Ho Chuan team is about, please take a look on the website ( or ask a Sifu.  

If you were born in 1925,1937,1949,1961,1973,1985,1997,2009 or 2021 you are an Ox.  Characteristics as described from are as follows:

Oxen are honest and earnest. They are low key and never look for praise or to be the center of attention. This often hides their talent, but they’ll gain recognition through their hard work.

They believe that everyone should do what’s asked for them and stay within their bounds. Though they are kind, it’s difficult for them to understand persuasion using pathos. Rarely losing your temper, they think logically and make great leaders.

Sunday, 7 February 2021

A Blog About Being Old!

This post if for anyone who thinks they are too old to start.  Anyone who thinks that they just can't do it.

My name is Jackie Kohut and I am one of the handful of second degree brown belts that are in our 50s.  We might be in our early 50s but still in our 50s.  They say with age comes wisdom but for us age brings awareness of our limitations.  I have been dealing with a chronic shoulder injury for many years.  I finally took action to find out that I have some degeneration in the shoulder joint, a small tear at the scapular muscle, a small calcification in the AC joint and inflammation of the bicep tendon.  Nothing major by itself but together they have been quite troublesome.  

This could be a good reason to stop, couldn't it?  Actually, it's a better reason to continue on. If I stop, my shoulder won't get better but doing the physio will.  If you look at the "adult" students in Kung Fu, most of us were not the kids that were in lots of sports or the ones that excelled at gym.  If you ask any of us if we find Kung Fu easy, the answer is "NO".  Did I want to quit?  It crossed my mind once or twice but I didn't.  So why are we doing it?

All of us have said that it this has made us a better person.  It makes us mindful, it keeps us active, you become a better leader, you become part of a group that has similar values.  During this year it has been how many of us retained normalcy in our lives.   

So if you are sitting there wondering how to start, what to start with, just pick something and stick with it.  Try Tai Chi, try Kung Fu, just try something and stick with it.  Don't let the pandemic or any other excuse stop you.  You are never to old to start something.  We have knee injuries, shoulder injuries, bad backs and other things.  These were not the result of  doing Kung Fu, they are the result of our bodies deteriorating and wearing out.  We might not be young but we are persistent. We are not only on the path to get our shingles vaccine, we are on the path to get our black belts.  Come join us!