Sunday, 14 March 2021

Pursuing your dreams

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” 
– Walt Disney

Not only does it take courage to pursue your dreams, you also need to make sure you are on the correct path towards your dream. This week had me gazing ahead, wondering if I was on the right path.   It was a week of questioning and evaluating and considering and..and...and.

Sometimes it’s best to look immediately in front of you and forge ahead.  Sometimes you need to breathe and look at the bigger journey but this week that bigger picture was shrouded and foggy.  

Previously this type of week would have made me falter.  Maybe this time it’s courage that keeps me moving forward or just plain stubbornness (me stubborn - no way πŸ˜‚). Yes, it threw me off my game and the best thing I could have done was chat about it at my 1-1.  The fog is a little thinner now and I know I am heading in the right direction.  It is a good reminder that no matter what we are doing, in Kung Fu or out, sometimes we just need to check in with someone else. You shouldn't pursue your dreams in isolation. (And doesn't the quote make you want to visit Disney again LOL).

See you on the mats!  

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