There were so many things to blog about this week. We had the Tiger Challenge, it was a great day that left me in such a great mood. We had some really great classes and discussions that were so enlightening. This week was so positive but it did not start that way. I really dropped the ball.
First was the outcome of my full intensity workout (see last blog). I did it but couldn't move for 3 days afterwards. It made me doubt if I should have done such a full intensity workout, if I should have held back a bit so I didn't hurt so much. Maybe I shouldn't have done it so close to the tiger challenge. Lots of self doubt thoughts. After we did our kicks on Sunday with the other candidates, I realized that those were poor excuses and actually I need to do these intense workouts more often so as a group we are going to add them now into our weekly get togethers. Nothing better than dragging someone along with you LOL.
Second was the receiving of my spear tip. I was so excited, it was so shiny and dangerous looking. It would definitely make my form look so much cooler, how could it not. So it went onto my spear and surprise, it was NOTHING as I expected. I was expecting that shift in centering of my spear to change but not that much. Add the extra 4 inches and I was hitting the ground on every spin. Then there was the extra weight at the end. I remember Sifu Brinker asking how my shoulder would do with the spear form and I could not understand what he meant. My tipless rattan spear was light and easy to move. Who would think 242 gm (yes I weighed it) would make a difference! That is similar to a 1/2 pound of butter, not that heavy at all but put it at the end of a long stick and it feels MUCH heaver than that. Good ole physics, this time they were not in my favour. On a positive note, I was no longer spearing the hats off opponents but now they needed to guard their knees. My wrist and shoulder felt every movement. So the morning of the tiger challenge, I removed the tip. I knew I shouldn't have made changes before a competition but worse was making them the day of as well. The tip is going back on this week so I have so much more to work on then previously but that is okay.
I also did not consistently do my shoulder stretches, exercises, sit-ups or push ups. I did SOME but not consistently. So today was a great restart and my goal this week is to work on that consistency. Last week took a hit on me mentally but I was able to regroup and start again and it started all with the Tiger Challenge. Thank you to all the Sifu's and everyone else who put in their time to make it so enjoyable! Can't wait to get back on the mats and do it in person!