Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Hearing verses Listening

 I still remember years ago when I was caught not listening.  I was doing my EMT rotation and doing a patient transfer.  The nurse was giving a report and I was nodding and hearing what was being said. After we moved the patient and ready to start the transfer, my preceptor asked "Please repeat what the nurse said"  and I could not, I was mortified.  He knew that I was hearing but not listening.  I was distracted as I was looking after my patient.

I was reminded of this story because this happened again to me this week.  I was asked how my team meeting went yesterday and I remember it being a productive meeting but couldn't even remember one why.  I thought I was listening.  Although I wasn't distracted it showed that I was not retaining the information.

This is not a one time occurrence.  I have been struggling with this lack of focus which has become more frequent.  So I started a Headversity app supplied by my work to help increase resilience skills.  My Mindfulness, Mental Fitness, and Energy Management needed some attention but Mental Health and Mindfulness was in pretty good shape.  My first Mindfulness training activity was spot on on to why there are issues.  These include how we are consistently:

Always On
Information Overload

Every one of these items I could relate with.  So the concept of "where are you, what are you doing" becomes more relevant through these busy times.  To not only hear the things around you but to really listen and absorb it.   The other realization is resiliency constantly takes work.  This was not one of my goals for this year but I am not sure why.  Mastery of resiliency will be a life long pursuit.

See you on the mats!

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