Wednesday, 27 December 2023

So a physiotherapist walks into a bar..

 Okay, I walked beside a bar with my physiotherapist but this title is catchier.  As you can probably gather, today I went for another evaluation. I’ve been worried about my current issues with balance and lack of strength.  

Do what did I find out?  The prednisone masked all inflammation that I previously had so the aches and pains are to be expected.  Steroids cause loss of strength in your central body (core, shoulders, hips) so this helps explains so much.  

I was given exercises to help build muscle and balance.  Told to continue with Tai Chi and exercises I was doing and revaluate in 2 months.  The other item I was told to do was journal EVERYTHING.  What exercises I am doing, how am I feeling and look back in the last day or two to find trends.  Hmmm… journaling daily, now why does that sound familiar?  LOL Even brain fog can’t take that away.

My good news today was this is just another bump in my journey and it’s going to take some hard work to get over it but it should improve as I move forward.

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season.  See you on the mats!

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