Saturday, 20 April 2024

Should I go faster or slower?

I joined the tiger challenge.  I'm excited and scared.  It's been over three years since I have competed last and a lot has changed since then but I want to give it my best and watch others perform as well.  Thanks to Sihing M. Ward and Sihing D. Bjorquist for including me on a team.  Its been so fun to work with them.

I am now able to do my hand form without needing to focus on each and every move.  Now as I train for the tiger challenge I found that I am trying to go faster with more force which you think would be good but I noticed that has become my focus and this is actually hindering my progression.  

I need to develop strength and to do that means I need to slow down my forms and focus on getting deeper in my stances and keeping my centre steady.  Although doing a form faster really gives a good cardio exercise, I need to focus on strength as well.  Does that mean I only do my form one way?  Absolutely not!  I need to bounce back and forth but be very clear about my intention during my form and not get stuck doing the same thing over and over.  Eventually there won't be such a gap between how my form differs from when I do it faster verses slower.

This was a tough week for my physically.  It was my second week back to work and already I am noticing that I am not taking the breaks that I need.  This was also the first week that I did not have a nap after work (usually I have a couple during the week) and I think was a few of the reasons why this week I was very tired and stiff and sore.   That being said, I was able to attend all my classes and more.  My focus this week has been on increasing my steps and ever lunch break I either did Yoga or went for a walk.  Even when I am sitting and watching TV, I try to stretch out my hips and shoulders.  Just small steps but they work.  Even though I increased my steps, I had a few days that my feet didn't hurt in the morning.  I will take that win.  

I can't tell you how great it is to be back on the mats!


Pushups (equivalent) - 807

Sit-ups (equivalent) - 652

Kilometers - 291.4

Weapons form - 85

Hand form - 90

Sparring - 20

AOK - 360

Piano - 0/50

Tai Chi - 12/50

Yoga - 9/50

Meditation - 5.5/50

1 comment:

  1. I can’t tell you how great it is to have you back on the mats!! It sounds like you’re making really good consistent progress on your forms, if you ever need someone to practice them with just say the word!
