Posting an old post I wrote.
Last I Ho Chuan meeting we were asked to look at where we were, where we wanted to be, and develop a plan and actions to get there.
I have found during these last few years that my motivation for self starting exercise has suffered. I know that I want to improve but I struggle with doing it on my own. I know that I will attend something I have committed to so I have been signing up for online classes to keep consistent training.
Yoga, Tai Chi, and again I’m in an online exercise class. They give many different variations so you progress at your pace but you are doing it together. At the highest level these exercises are hard. Lunges, planks, bird dogs, bridges. Activities that help build my strength and I have been pleased that most I can do at the highest level. (Funny how you can do almost anything for 1 min intervals.)
As summer is coming to an end, so are many of my online classes, so my action plan is to find more classes to build my strength and flexibility and have them in place BEFORE the others are done.