Monday, 14 October 2024

Practice removes the fog

Brain fog. It was one of the side effects of chemo but it also comes with age or brain injuries. It leaves holes in your thought processes and your memory.

There are still many forms that I have holes in and if I don’t repeat a form over and over other holes will appear but the positive is it is only holes.  This week as I practiced Da Mu Hsing I went further than I expected.  Once I filled in the missing stances, another section would appear until the next hole.

The one thing I know is that I can’t rely on my memory to fill in the holes, I need to practice and practice until that hole is no longer there.  Each repetition makes the hole smaller and smaller. 

If you are using your memory to fill in holes you might want to focus on repetitions.  You never know if brain fog could affect you.


Pushups (equivalent) - 6,220

Sit-ups (equivalent) - 2,120

Kilometers - 1229.2

Weapons form - 228

Hand form - 290

Sparring - 52

AOK - 1075

Piano - 1/50

Tai Chi - 42/50

Yoga - 34/50

Meditation - 18/50

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