Sunday, 13 March 2016

The Path not to take!

I just wanted to start off with assuring Sifu Beckett that I did not miss Thursday and Saturday because I forgot 18 Temple Motions.  I was not in class on Thursday as I had a minor day surgery procedure, it went very well. I actually felt AWESOME, my biggest complaint was a minor sore throat from the airway. My first thought is "woohoo, now I have two days off" ..... so I didn't rest as much as I was suppose to, I didn't follow the instructions that must have been written for other patients.  I was happy and elated and had a long list of things to do!

But later my family dealt with the grumpy version of Jackie because I wasn't feeling too well and now I actually had some pain, just enough for me to be cranky.  So they had to deal with me for four days instead of probably only the two that it should have been, and yet they were so awesome to me. Thank you family!  

So please learn from my lesson, listen to your body but also follow the instructions you've been given no matter how good you feel.  Ignoring this advice will only cause you to take a longer path then you needed to and miss out on a whole bunch of cool Kung Fu.  This is one path I do not wish for any company!

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