Sunday, 13 February 2022

Controlling your stressors and Week 2 numbers!

Time continues to move and there is nothing that can be done to stop it.  But instead of watching time slip by you can take control of the time that you have.  That has been my focus this week.  I am trying to wrap up things at work, my appointments are starting to begin.  I am working on identifying stressors, then determining if there is something that can be done about it.  Putting my effort into controlling the things that I have the ability to control.  I don't know when this changed, I use to worry about so many things that I had no control over.  I find that I am in a quieter state of mind now that I let that go.  

This is the same approach with training, if something is stressing you find the root cause.  Then put actions in place to reduce that stress.  Take control of the things that you can control.  My numbers are stressing me a bit right now so I had to sit and think why.  There is a direct correlation to my sleep.  I am staying up too late and then I am tired in the morning so I'm not doing my morning workouts.  If I don't work out in the morning I feel like I am always behind on my numbers and that adds more stress.  These are the types of things I have control over so this is going to be a quick blog and I am heading to bed so I can do my morning workout.

SU/PU - 1,700/50,000

18 Temple Motions - 12/1000

Cane - 21/1000 

Sparring- 7/1000

KM - =19/1609

AOKs - 50/1000

Meditation - 1/50

Tai Chi/Yoga - 2/50

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