Monday, 21 February 2022

Setbacks and moving forward!

Every two years I need to go for a scope.  This is needed to dilate a previous surgical site so it doesn't constrict and cause issues.  My next scope was due in November but as I should not be doing these types of procedures after my stem cell transplant, I was able to get it done last week.  I am trying to be proactive with all the items that I am able to.  I knew that all procedures come with risk but the benefits outweigh the risks.  I've been through this at least 10 times. Well, immediately after my scope there was a minor issue but this minor issue could have had huge impacts.  I started doubting if I should have been proactive, if I caused issues that would impact my transplant, was I causing a major setback.  I started doubting myself!  Luckily I had the support to help me reset and realize that this was only temporary. 

There are always times when you need to take risks, when the benefits outweigh those risks but there will be setbacks along the way.  Setbacks that will have you doubt yourself, setbacks make you wonder if you have made the right choices.  But without taking risks, you are not moving forward.  You cannot be proactive by just waiting around.  You need to take risks to move forward and be prepared for a setback here and there, otherwise it wouldn't be a risk.  Setbacks slow your progress but you are still moving forward as long as you don't give up.  So are they really setbacks if you continue to move forward?  

Numbers for the Week of Feb 13.  
Although my training will be different this year it will still be a progression forward although slower than before.  Already appointments and procedures are impacting some numbers but others are excelling. 
SU/PU - 2,000/50,000
18Temple - 12/1000
Cane - 26/1000
Sparring 22/1000
KM - 26/1609
AOK - 82/1000
Meditation - 3h 20 min/ 50 hours
Tai Chi - 3/50 hours
Learn a new language - Haven't started 

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