We tend to gravitate to like minded people and these people will support you as you support them. Over the years and with different life circumstances, you will expand and change these relationships. With all relationships it takes effort and you get out what you put in. This is part of engagement that Sifu Brinker always talks about.
As Mike and I are busy with renos needed to list our house, I have realized I’ve neglected my relationships. My Kung Fu, my cancer group, my friends who have been with me through all of this. So when I am planning my day, I need to also plan quick checkins. These relationships are not fragile that they will break with some neglect but leave it long enough and eventually everything will deteriorate. I want to maintain a healthy relationship instead of needing to repair it at a later date.
On a side note, I received my second set of baby immunizations today! Slowly building that immunity!
Thank you for the update Jackie. I too have been negligent about maintaining my relationships and have been working hard on righting that ship.