Monday, 11 November 2024

Ramblings of the week

This last week has been busy between home and work.  I will be missing 4 exercise classes, a Tai Chi class, and my black belt class.  Missing class upsets me because I am missing out on that day's learning.  Missing class also means that my daily Kung Fu training has also suffered and that too makes me upset. It was not long ago when I had to drag myself into class, honestly all classes except Tai Chi.  It was because I had so much work to catch up on as well as dealing with fatigue.  So being upset now actually makes me happy because I am no longer dragging myself into class.  It is not a chore, it is what I choose.  

When I got my blackbelt, it was emphasized that this is a journey, that it is just the beginning and not a goal.   Immediately moving into cancer treatment gave me little time to sit and embrace reaching my blackbelt milestone.  I had to take a breath and keep moving forward on a journey that was like no other.  Looking back on it today, I still don't understand how I did it.  My Kung Fu journey gave me the strength to keep moving forward and it has shown me how everything in life can relate to my Kung Fu training.  Those are the things that I hold most dear.

This week I was also involved in a small inperson group meditation and it was amazing.  The feeling of energy, of chi moving not only through myself but within others was enlightening.  Working on energy training is a new area of Kung Fu that I am excited to improve.

That being said, there will be little change to my numbers but I refuse to stop trying.  


Pushups (equivalent) - 7,220

Sit-ups (equivalent) - 2,620

Kilometers - 1323.8

Weapons form - 240

Hand form - 310

Sparring - 65

AOK - 2015

Piano - 1/50

Tai Chi - 45/50

Yoga - 36/50

Meditation - 22/50

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