Monday, 9 December 2024

Making Connections

The Kinsmen Christmas Hamper event was a great opportunity to make new connections!  I had the opportunity to meet many of the Todai's and their parents during the announcement of the event. 

Doing my shift at the Red Apple with Todai Khawas was the best part of the entire event.  Todai joined Silent River close to the time that the Kwan Yin Healing Project was taking place.  I explained how the folding of cranes, flowers and notes were helping me when I was in the hospital getting my bone marrow transplant.  I showed him a picture of the Lego Lion that I got in the hospital and of course it was also with pictures when I had no hair.  I explained how it was Kung Fu that helped me get better and heal.  He shared all the things that he liked about Kung Fu and it was a pleasure to get to know him better.

A few days later, as I was walking into the kwoon, he stopped me outside to tell me about his class.  That was the highlight of my week!  Making this connection with Todai Khawas wouldn't have happened without Silent River Kung Fu and his engagement in The Kinsmen Christmas Hamper.  I look forward to making that connection stronger and building new ones.

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