Sunday, 3 October 2021

A good training partner!

This bog is a thank you to my training partner, Ms Ferris.  A training partner can change how you approach things, how you see things and that is what happened this week. 

Ms Ferris and I were training the other day and she made a comment about my control and power.  I was taken back a bit because I didn’t think of myself as someone with control or power.  I really just didn’t think about it.  During one of my techniques, I hit Ms Ferris in the chest, hard enough to hear it but not enough to hurt her (at least that’s my intention 😉).  That was when it hit home that I do have control and power, don’t get me wrong it’s a work in progress, but it highlighted the difference in our belt level training, things you don’t see during the slow progression as you move forward.  

The next surprise was when I was trying to go for one lock and it wasn’t working but I was able to immediately move to another unplanned lock that did work.  I was actually reacting without thinking (too much).  

The other thing that is coming slowly is confidence.  There are many times that I feel unsure, not worthy but they get less and less as I train, as I gain experience.  Lots of great moments this week!  Can’t wait for next weeks.

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