Sunday, 13 October 2019

POST 3 - Skyline Trails (Aug and Sept 2019)

It was during the first Skyline hike that I really had a hard look in the mirror.  I had to realistically look at my limitations and my abilities.  My Nova Scotia trip just solidified this for me.  I notice now that this was when I was starting to mentally find my way back.  When I finally accepted that my Kung Fu path was truly mine, I no longer felt frustration at myself or others........

On Top of the World (Times Two)

This summer I had the privilege to do the Skyline Trail in both Alberta and Nova Scotia and both were amazing life changing journeys.

The Alberta Skyline is a 44km hike that passes over 3 mountain ranges.  It has an elevation gain of 1410m and an elevation loss of 1928m.  Sifu S. Csillag and I were doing this but I was so worried about my ability to complete this hike.  We had 3 nights and 4 days to do this trail but I knew that this was the longest trip with the heaviest pack that I was yet to do.  I was so nervous before we started and I thought about not going more than once.  After we took the first few steps, everything fell into place and although it was hard, it was very doable.  Why?  Because I prepared.  I had packed my backpack weeks in advance and twice a week did a walk with it.  I went to Chickakoo and did the hard trail as quick as I could.  I made sure I had the right food and water, the right equipment. Luckily I had backups because my water sterilization quit on day 2 but it was a minor inconvenience.   Not only did Kung Fu allow me to physically prepare for this trip, it helped me mentally.  I really look at my abilities and what I needed to do to prepare.  This was a huge accomplishment for me and one that I will cherish forever.  The best moment was when Sifu Csillag and I had just passed the summit (2510m) and then we stopped and had tea, sitting on the rocks with the wind blowing just having a cup of tea and looking down on the Marmot Basin ski hill, knowing you are on top of the world and with a little preparation, you really can do anything you set your mind to. 

The Nova Scotia Skyline is a 10km day hike that travels through the trees but then takes you on a boardwalk that is on the top of the ridge.  The views are amazing as you walk along the ridge.  I sat and listened to the ocean beat along the shore.  I knew that it was Kung Fu that allowed me this moment for I would never had done a "quick" 10km hike just for a view before.   I would never have searched out a 235-step staircase to see a balancing rock and not think twice about doing it.   To me, Kung Fu is like water, it can look calm and slow or it can look fierce and fast but either way it will still gain ground.  Its just a matter of time.

See you on the mats!

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