Sunday, 13 October 2019

POST 4 - Eye of the storm (Sept 2019)

Going through the hurricane really hit home for me.......

Eye of the storm

Saturday, September 7th, hurricane Dorian hit Halifax. We were scheduled to fly into Nova Scotia that afternoon but decided that was not enough time to prepare so I was able to get onto an earlier flight. This allowed for preparations and then hunkering down.

The wind and rain continued to increase throughout the day, by 14:30 we lost power and by 19:00 it was storming pretty hard. Then at 20:00 it became very quiet. Just some rain but that was not hard. My first thought was it was over but then when I looked at the time I knew I was in the eye and it was only a matter of time before it started again. And start it did, the wind was now coming from the other direction. By the morning it was sunny and the clean up began. There was no power for 48 hours at our place but being prepared made it an adventure.

While Dorian ripped through Halifax, it reminded me of how we approach training and preparation for our Kung Fu. You prepare and adjust, trying to make sure you have everything lined up so when a storm hits, you are able to hunker down and ride it out. But as we talked to friends, I related more to a young man they spoke of. He did not prepare and was now needing help to pick up the pieces of his life. But friends and family are there to help pick those pieces up and all you can do is carry on.

While sitting there during the eye of the hurricane, it also hit home that even when things are quiet, you must be ready. You need to prepare and keep working because it’s only a matter of time before the storm hits again. Do not get complacent during the quiet, you never know what is coming next.

See you on the mats!

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